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Bags specifically designed for use in retail environments. You know what they say—paper or plastic?
Image SKU Type Style Color Dimensions Qty Per Case Unit of Measure Price Add to Cart
Red Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3315 Plastic Merchandise Red 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Dark Green Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3318 Plastic Merchandise Dark Green 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
White Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3320 Plastic Merchandise White 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Black Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3307 Plastic Merchandise Black 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Magenta Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3310 Plastic Merchandise Magenta 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Beige Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3312 Plastic Merchandise Beige 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Rose Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3314 Plastic Merchandise Rose 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Silver Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3317 Plastic Merchandise Silver 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Yellow Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3319 Plastic Merchandise Yellow 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Blue Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3306 Plastic Merchandise Blue 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Burgundy Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3308 Plastic Merchandise Burgundy 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Teal Green Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3311 Plastic Merchandise Teal Green 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS
Chocolate Plastic Merchandise Bags, 20 x 4 x 30 H-3313 Plastic Merchandise Chocolate 20 x 4 x 30 250 CS

What’s one of the reasons we tend to shop so much? Besides the sheer joy of spending money, anyway? The convenience of it all. The ability to walk in, find what we want, and get going. You can encourage your customers to stick around, and drop more dough on all that convenience, by making sure your product packaging and their after-purchase packaging is easy to handle. That means plastic bags of the poly variety for holding candy, nuts and bolts, small supplies and lots more. And shopping bags with carrying handles for carting around all those incredible deals. Retails bags are what you’ll need to group your products together, keep your customers happy and make your brand look really good. So what kind of products are you offering your customers? Plastic bags, especially when they’re reclosable, will keep delicious goodies from going stale, helpful tools from rusting out, and other supplies from spreading all over the place. Paper bags are great for those bins in grocery stores where you choose how much you want to load up on nuts, candy or spices. And they’re also just as great for when you’re in a hardware store and want to load up on screws, nuts and bolts, and other components. Once your customers have had their fill and are ready to go (we hear there’s a bunch of great restaurants nearby), shopping bags will house their purchases in convenient and attractive packaging. Strength and convenience are certainly hallmarks of good bags. Whether they’re clear or colorful plastic, white or kraft paper bags, open-ended or reclosable, they’re what your products need and what your customers deserve. They’re a strong addition to a smart packaging strategy, and a packaging supply you won’t regret using. When you’re ready to start bagging things up, you’ll find the retail bags you need right here at The Packaging Company.