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Twist Ties
Image SKU Type Style Color Dimensions Qty Per Case Unit of Measure Price Add to Cart
Plastic Twist Ties, Black, Pre-Cut, 10 x 5/32" E-1703 Plastic Pre-Cut Black 10 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Red, Pre-Cut, 10 x 5/32" E-1705 Plastic Pre-Cut Red 10 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Blue, Pre-Cut, 10 x 5/32" E-1707 Plastic Pre-Cut Blue 10 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Paper Twist Ties, Green, Pre-Cut, 10 x 5/32" H-4164 Paper Pre-Cut Green 10 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, White, Pre-Cut, 12 x 5/32" E-1712 Plastic Pre-Cut White 12 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Blue, Pre-Cut, 12 x 5/32" E-1714 Plastic Pre-Cut Blue 12 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Green, Pre-Cut, 12 x 5/32" E-1711 Plastic Pre-Cut Green 12 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Black, Pre-Cut, 12 x 5/32" E-1713 Plastic Pre-Cut Black 12 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Yellow, Pre-Cut, 12 x 5/32" E-1715 Plastic Pre-Cut Yellow 12 x 5/32" 2000 CS
Plastic Twist Ties, Red, Pre-Cut, 12 x 5/32" E-1710 Plastic Pre-Cut Red 12 x 5/32" 2000 CS